Having the film set in this dark room suggests that the fight that is happning in the shot is not a public fight, but one that is happening undercover.
As the woman has two guns, apposed to just one, connotes that she is more powerful and will have more chances of succeeding.
As the woman is by herself, this connotes that she is an independant woman and has full control over the situation. Although she is taking a males role here (she is in a fight, fireing a gun), she still has sex appeal, as she is wearing tight clothes showing her midrift, has long hair and is in good shape.
Having her legs stationed wide and her focussing on her opponent connotes that she is confident and ready to fight, her face expression shows that she is angry and all her thoughts are in this fight.
Having a low-key lighting, shows the contrast of the woman, centralising her int he red outfit against a dark background, connoting that she is the most important thing in the shot.
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